COVID-19 Update

Dear Everyone,

Due to restrictions on unnecessary travel and meetings, as well as the increased clinical workload for some core faculty members, we are suspending all recordings until further notice.

Luckily, we already have 2 more episodes “in the bag”, which will be broadcast on 31st March (Poverty in Older Age) and 14th April (Music and Dementia).

After this, we will have a break and hopefully complete Series 9 by the end of the summer.

Topics still to come after the break:

  • Learning Disabilities in Later Life
  • The Ageing Kidney
  • Osteoporosis and Resistance Training
  • Team Working

We are aware that a lot of face-to-face teaching has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. For those of you keen to keep your knowledge up to date, there are over 80 previous episodes of the MDTea podcast available to listen to for free on this website. Each episode comes with show notes (handy for revision and further reading), a CPD log and an infographic, which summarises the key learning points and can be printed out to pin up in MDT rooms etc.

During this time, many of you will be working outside of your usual clinical setting. This is likely to involve working with older people, and the core principles of this remain the same.

You may be working alongside colleagues who are less familiar with the care of older adults (for example, surgical doctors/ nurses who have been asked to look after medical patients). They may find some of our older episodes helpful to prepare for these new roles, or you may wish to display the infographics at work (infection control allowing, of course).

At the bottom of the page is a list of previous episodes covering common issues encountered in older hospital inpatients.

Finally, we realise that many of you simply will not have the time or energy for further learning at the moment… and that’s totally ok!

Make sure you give your brains time to rest and look after yourselves. Try and plan some “non-COVID” time into your day; turn off Twitter, news updates, work whatsapp groups etc and have an hour of Something Else.

Lots of love,

The MDTea

Useful episodes for those less familiar with the care of older adults:


S1E1 – Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

S3E3 – Pressure Ulcer Prevention

S3E8 – Perioperative Care of Older People

S6E1 – Advance Care Planning

S7E1 – Polypharmacy

S7E5 – Front Door Frailty

S8E6 – See and Treat at Home

S9E1 – Pragmatic Investigation

Dementia & Delirium

S1E2 – Delirium: Supportive Measures

S5E5 – Management of BPSD

S8E10 – Reduced oral intake in Dementia


S1E5 – Acute Management following a Fall

S2E9 – Falls Prevention

S7E6 – Falls: to admit or not?


S6E2 – Postural Hypotension

S6E6 – Atrial Fibrillation

S6E7 – Heart Failure

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