Welcome to the additional information about the breath work in the MDTea'm' kindness series

In this series we have had a new regular feature – looking at a series of 9 breathing techniques. To get the most out of this we recommend working your way through this page. Here you will find a link to the breath MOT form where you can record your breathing MOT at the start and the end of the 10 week period. Then there is a copy of the individual breathing techniques all on one page so you don’t have to keep skipping back to the full podcast episode to find them if you want to re-listen. Finally there is also a link to some additional resources and a self study program kindly provided by Jess our guide on this journey.

Jess Holliday is our guide on this journey, she is a Atrisinal Spiritual Coach and Life-Force Alchemist

She helps soul-seeker who feel like they’re lost and sleepwalking through life to feel LIT UP! and renewed, with a more profound connection to themselves and their purpose. Working with body, soul and spirit, blending scientific and spiritual tools, guidance and soul wisdom she creates the space for aligned integration, abundant inspiration and actionable implementation. 

Audio files of the breathing techniques

Below are some links to additional information