Other members of the wider MDT faculty have contributed to one or many episodes, and bring a different and often specialist perspective to the topics we discuss.

Gabor is a semi-retired General Practitioner with an interest in elderly care. He qualified in 1980 and completed his training in General Practice in 1984. After a spell working overseas in Africa, he became a principal in a practice in South London for 13 years, where he also held a post as Clinical Assistant in Community Elderly Care linked with St. Thomas’ Hospital for 7 years, before moving to Lewes, Sussex in 2000. Here he spent a further 15 years in practice before retiring as a partner. He now pursues his interest in elderly care working two days a week at an intermediate care centre in Hove, as well as doing some work in A&E and as an “out of hours” practitioner.

Mairéad qualified in 2009 and has worked in elderly care since 2011 and has been lead pharmacist in the area since 2013. She is currently onsecondment with AHSN working on a pilot community project in Brighton & Hove supporting older adults at risk of medication related harm or admission to secondary care taking referrals from Age UK crisis line, BSUH NHS Trust, care homes and primary care GP’s and pharmacists.

Buckler has over 7 years’ experience of working as a hospital pharmacist within
the NHS. He completed his postgraduate diploma in General Pharmacy
Practice in 2013 and has since worked at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS
Trust (SASH) as a lead pharmacist for Electronic Prescribing and Medicines
Administration (EPMA) before moving into the field of education and training.
He now supports both undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy training and is
passionate about inter-professional learning.

Frances has been involved in a wide range of improvement and change projects working for Kent Surrey & Sussex Academic Health Science Network. She enjoys working with enthusiastic clinical teams on improvement projects and the development of health and care services particularly aimed to improve outcomes and benefits to care for patients and residents in the community.

Tracy Szekely is a freelance Occupational Therapist who has had 40 years experience in clinical practice, management, education and research. A community gerontologist with expertise working with individuals in later life and their families in health, social care and private practice, Tracy is also a trained family therapist. She is currently working as a volunteer with Remap, OT Frontiers and RCOT – South East Region

Tapiwa is part of the orthogeriatrics team at East Surrey Hospital, and is also involved in delivering simulation teaching in geriatric medicine, both in hospital and in the community. She is currently working on expanding the simulation programme across Surrey and Sussex care homes.
Tapiwa has a special interest in medicolegal issues including mental capacity and consent.

Alice is a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Fellow at East Surrey Hospital and part of the MDTea Core Faculty for this academic year. She also works as a registrar on the Frailty unit and OPALS team at East Surrey, teaches students and junior doctors, is working on evaluation of the SBAR simulation programme in care homes, and is completing a PGCME at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (among other things). Her areas of special interest include dementia and acute geriatrics.

Sophie is a medical trainee who spent a year at the MDTea technology enhanced learning fellow working on series 10 of the podcast. Alongside this she spent tiime teaching meddical students and seeing patients in a movement disorder clinic.